AI Solutions for Higher Education

We use advanced AI and Machine Learning techniques, including Generative AI and Deep Learning, to custom build personalized recommendation engines for higher education sector.


New Student Enrollments

  • Description:
    Predict enrollment propensity for each prospective student.

    Recommended Actions:
    Prioritize outreach efforts

    Teams Involved:
    Marketing, Recruitment, Admission, Enrollment

  • Description:
    Recommend the best date-time to call each prospective student

    Recommended Actions:
    Optimization call center resource and schedule

    Teams Involved:
    Recruitment, Admission, Enrollment

  • Description:
    Identify the best contact channel for each prospective student

    Recommended Actions:
    Contact each prospective student with their preferred channel

    Teams Involved:
    Recruitment, Admission, Enrollment

Student and Business Outcomes


  • Description:
    Identify specific areas for improvement and provide actionable recommendations, by continuously analyzing data such as call, survey, chat, email and social data. Substantial improvement in accuracy through ChatGPT technology

    Recommended Actions:
    Develop school-level initiatives to improve student services and engagements

    Teams Involved:
    Student Engagement, Services, Leadership

    Request a Demo

  • Description: Developed a Chatbot Leveraging Large Language Model GPT4 to enhance medical inquiry-response related to Pre-eclampsia medical conditions, in collaboration with Institute of Genome Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Maryland.

    Recommended Actions: Expand the scope to include other medical conditions.

    Teams Involved: Medical School Researchers

    Request a Demo

  • Description: Developed a Chatbot Leveraging Large Language Model GPT4 to enhance medical inquiry-response related to pre-term medical conditions, in collaboration with Institute of Genome Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Maryland.

    Recommended Actions: Expand the scope to include other medical conditions.

    Teams Involved: Medical School Researchers

    Request a Demo

  • Description: Predict the propensity of a student failing any registered course and provide personalized recommendations for each student.

    Recommendations: Provide personalized recommendation for at-risk students.

    Teams Involved: Student Success, Academic, Tutor

  • Description:
    Predict the propensity of a student failing to enroll in the next term and provide personalized recommendations for each student’s advisor.

    Recommended Actions:
    Prioritize outreach with personalized action plan. Enhance student service and engagement.

    Teams Involved:
    Student Success, Academic, Tutor, Student Services

  • Description:
    Provide intelligent answers and engaging conversations with your customers. Powered by ChatGPT technology

    Recommended Actions:
    Upgrade to AIME Chatbot

    Teams Involved:
    Technology, Marketing, Operation

  • Description:

    Create test bank at scale, to help assess students’ mastery of critical concepts and skills for any course. Powered by ChatGPT.

    Recommended Actions:

    Use AIME Test Bank product to improve faculty productivity and student’s self-assessment and personalized study plan.

    Teams Involved:

    Academic, Curriculum Design, Technology


Business Operation

  • Description:
    Forecast new student enrollment # for each inquiry cohort scenario in the next 24 months.

    Identify best marketing spend scenario to achieve enrollment targets.

    Teams Involved:
    Finance, Marketing, Operations

  • Description:
    Forecast monthly graduation #for each student cohort in the next 24 months

    Short- and long-term financial planning

    Teams Involved:
    Finance, Operations

  • Description:
    Forecast monthly enrollment number in the next 24 months

    Recommended Actions:
    Short- and long-term financial planning

    Teams Involved:
    Finance, Operations

  • Description:
    Forecast number of student registrations for each course session

    Recommended Actions:
    Faculty and classroom capacity planning to balance cost and student experience

    Teams Involved:
    Finance, Academic, Operations

  • Description:
    Develop price elasticity curves for different student segments for pricing optimization

    Recommended Actions:
    Recommend optimal price discount for different segments to maximize revenue

    Teams Involved:
    Finance, Operations, Marketing

  • Description:
    Quantify impact of media channel, pricing, and spend level on student enrollments

    Recommended Actions:
    Recommend optimal allocation of different media spends to maximize ROI

    Teams Involved:
    Finance, Marketing, Operations

  • Description:
    Fractional attribution of digital touch points impact on the student enrollments

    Recommended Actions:
    Recommend digital touch point frequency, sequence, and interval to maximize student enrollments

    Teams Involved:
    Marketing, Operations

Our Solution Advantages

AI Made Easy Solution Advantage Comparison Chart

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