• Our product stands out from the competition because we make cutting-edge and high-performing AI products accessible and affordable for business use. Almost all of our AI apps are leveraging AI technology such as GPT-4. Furthermore, unlimited use, ease of use, and excellent return on investment make it difficult to find similar products on the market.

  • Rather than waiting for data to be perfect, we recommend taking full advantage of what is currently available to improve business outcomes. Although it is rare to find perfect data, decisions still need to be made. The successful outcomes of the decisions made will finance further data improvement and other key projects.

  • We draw our confidence from three sources: our expertise in the industry, our knowledge of data, and our awareness of the advancements made in the AI community. Our team has decades of experience in creating AI and machine learning products for higher education and other industries. We have also developed a tool to convert raw data into usable, feature-engineered data to build AI applications that meet your business needs. Additionally, we stay up-to-date on the progress made in the AI field, such as improving the accuracy of predictions, making them more understandable to humans, and increasing speed and scalability for business applications.

  • At AI Made Easy, we usually do not offer project work for our customers. However, we do make exceptions and are willing to accept special projects for our clients. If you would like to know more information, please contact us at 240-906-0231 or email contact@aimadeeasycorp.com.

  • We are still developing some of our products, and are not ready to roll them out yet. If you would like further information, please contact us at 240-906-0231 or email contact@aimadeeasycorp.com.contact@aimadeeasycorp.com

  • If you wish to discuss AI applications for other industries with us, give us a call at 240-906-0231 or drop us an email at contact@aimadeeasycorp.com.

  • To begin with, you can try out our product for 90 days without any cost. Additionally, we invite your team to compare the performance of your current model and ours. If your model is better, we'd love to hear about it so we can work on improving it. If ours is better, you can put it to use right away to benefit your business. Furthermore, if you decide our product isn't satisfactory, you can cancel it and get your money back. Ultimately, you can use our product without any risk.

  • We depend on your ongoing support and utilization of our AI-driven products to ensure our team's long-term success in creating solutions for higher education administrators to revolutionize their operations.

  • Our AI applications provide model performance validation reports as one of their key outputs, as well as model performance monitoring for your tracking. Adhering to best practices, we make sure the AI outputs are easy to comprehend and use, while also offering free training to business users on how to use the application. Third-party data science vendors can be hired to audit the reports if desired.

  • We strive to make our product very affordable for colleges and universities, pricing it at a tenth of what a custom project would cost. This way, we are aiming to provide a high return on investment for the schools, and we hope this will help them to thrive in tough economic times. Additionally, it allows us to keep working on our mission to revolutionize the higher education industry.

  • For the most secure option, we suggest installing our AI products in your existing technology platform. This way, your customer data never has to be transferred outside your business. If you decide to use our cloud-based platform, however, our team can help you create a direct data pipeline from your platform to ours. Security is of the utmost importance, so we will employ 128-bit encryption and API technology to ensure safe data transfer. Additionally, we guarantee that no personally identifiable information (PII) will be transferred to our platform, guaranteeing your customers' privacy.

  • Our AI app can be installed by your IT or platform engineer by following our step-by-step instructions (preferred), or we can install it for you if we are given access to your platform.

  • We are not limited to a single cloud service provider; we can work with any.

  • We strive to empower all our customers, as technology evolves quickly and requires that algorithms are kept up-to-date and optimized with each customer’s best available data.

  • Yes. A request for a full refund will indicate to us that our product has not fulfilled your expectations. Therefore, we strive to ensure our product is always meeting or surpassing your expectations.

  • We want to make our product as simple as possible for you to use. Each app should be accompanied by a straightforward, step-by-step guide.

  • We are utilizing state-of-the-art AI technology such as ChatGPT and other tools to create human-understandable insights. Additionally, we are drawing upon our years of expertise in feature engineering to ensure our features are interpretable and not simply a jumble of mathematical equations or statistical information.

  • Your IT or platform engineer can update the AI app by following our step-by-step instructions (preferred), or we can install the new update for you once we have been granted access to your platform.

  • Please call us at 240-904-0231 or email sales@aimadeeasycorp.com.