Consumer-Insight GPT

Are you ready to supercharge student satisfaction?

Discover how Consumer Insight can help you listen to your students' concerns and transform your university's services.

Consumer Insight gathers real-time and batch data from various sources such as survey, advisor note, service call, and chat conversation. It further processes and summarizes data to produce insights and recommendations in a clear and easy-to-use dashboard.

Getting Started Is Easy:

Step 1. upload your consumer data (e.g., review data) to the Consumer Insight portal

Step 2: review the top 10 records

Step 3: submit the data for analysis

The app examines consumer feedback to understand the main topics and associated sentiments. Since consumers often discuss multiple topics with varying sentiments, the app accurately identifies positive and negative aspects, providing a granular view of each topic within each review.

Actionable Insights/Recommendations:

  1. Suggested Group for Follow-up: Consumer Insight suggests business groups to channel feedback to the relevant stakeholders. Each group is customizable to the specific needs of each company.

  2. Strategic Recommendations: compiles the primary insights from the top three categories of concerns and auto-generates strategic recommendations for university leaders.

  3. Visual Insights: Graphical representations of key topics, emphasizing both strengths and concerns, to identify potential areas for improvement.

  4. Personalized recommendation: High-level summary of feedback from each student, such as topic, category, opinion, fact, sentiment, and recommendation.

Interested in experiencing our product first hand?

We invite you to request a demo and explore its robust features and capabilities. This hands-on experience will provide a comprehensive understanding of how our solution can best serve your needs. Reach out to us, and let's get you set up for a demonstration. We're confident you'll be impressed!